6 Free Brainwave  Downloads
Get 5 FULL Brainwave Downloads - Regular Price $79.75 - Now with Private Label Rights
Download #1 - Mind Sync Clairvoyance
This is an amazing breakthrough in brainwave research.  Using carefully researched low Theta combination harmonics your sixth sense can be significantly enhanced. The harmonic is particularly potent in developing Clairvoyance and clairaudient ability. Over time your ability to sense the extraordinary for yourself and others will be greatly enhanced.

Download #2 - NHC Instant Charisma
Ever wondered how some people have that instant magnetism but you can't see why. This program allows you to exude that same charisma. Buy this program and everyone will know when you enter the room. Combines brainwave harmonics, NLP and superliminal suggestion techniques.

Download #3 ACT Hematite Frequencies
Listening to these frequencies whilst relaxing can recreate the healing power of the crystal or mineral. The classic healing ability of crystal therapy has been recreated using the correct audible and sub audible frequencies. The energetic vibrations from the crystals can be used to re-align and direct the flow of energy within the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, returning them to a state of health and wholeness.
The mineral is composed of oxidized iron. As such, its healing qualities largely owe to the fortifying energy found in iron. The oxygen found in the compound also helps in the calming properties that help the mind to achieve clarity and balance when someone needs to apply their thoughts to a problem. While these properties are basically grounded in science, many cultures have also taken to using the mineral in metaphysics and other spiritual purposes.

Download #4 Bergamot Frequencies

Bergamot oil can be used to treat;  acne, abscesses, boils, cold sores, cystitis, halitosis, itching, oily skin, psoriasis
This composition contains the rife frequencies for acne, psoriasis & cold sores
Contains an isochronic beat to create a deep alpha brainwave state for relaxation, stress relief and meditation
Contains a binaural beat (headphones required) to stimulate the pituitary gland to release more HGH
Contains the Solfeggio 528 frequency to help repair the body at a cellular level

Download #5 Solfeggio 963Hz Alpha

The mystical music of the spheres The basis of the legend of the "lost chord". Amplify the presence of divinity.  This composition also stimulates the crown chakra and has a positive effect on the third eye.

Download #6 Secrets of Brainwave Harmonics Revealed E Book

A fully updated version of the famous "Secret of Brainwave Harmonics Revealed ". The ebook was first published in 2002 and sold for $49.95 - it still sells on Kindle for $9.95. The new updated version is available completely free of charge to our newsletter subscribers. The book includes huge amounts of research on brainwave harmonics ;  what are the brain frequencies ? what is brainwave entrainment ? what makes brainwave harmonics different ? the scientific evidence ? the exact frequencies used to create different altered states of consciousness ( includes the astral projection, remote viewing and psychic frequencies) * the frequencies used for enhanced law of attraction * the development of isochronic beat and isochiral wave technology * the development of AromaRife technology * how to create your own brainwave harmonic programs * lots more

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